Help us do more

Your support goes a long way. The majority of our funds are raised through trusts and foundations. However, for smaller charities like ours, navigating the funding landscape can be a considerable challenge. Donations from individuals help us to continue our work and to do more. This year we are raising funds for our thirty year anniversary with a target of £10,000 to help us to respond to detention expansion. Follow the link below to donate to our campaign or support us with a monthly contribution.

You can find our annual accounts on the charity commission to see how funds are spent. This is predominantly on the costs of salaries for our team who work directly with our members and to advocate for people in detention.

An illustration of two people sitting on an out stretched palm with "Care and Accountability" overlaid as text.
"Every time I visit (immigration detention), I leave with a little bit of anger, because it's unfair. And it's how I feel all the time, by talking to people, physically going in, and seeing it. Lots of people are there for similar reasons, and it may become routine. But sometimes you'd meet someone, it floors you a bit with the scale of how unfair it is"


MIDST Visitor

"Immigration detention is an injustice. It’s not a fair trial. If you fear for your life or your safety, then you come here and apply for asylum. But when you apply for it, and you don't know the rules, and you don't have people to support you or the right resources to help you out. Where would that person end up? In detention. That's why I said it's an injustice. These are vulnerable, powerless people against the government with all the laws or the capacity to do whatever they want to. But if you talk to anyone in Home Office, they will say they are illegal, illegal people, illegal foreigners. They are treated like nothing."


Previously detained

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We need funds to continue our work of building communities of solidarity with people in detention across the UK and advocating for a more humane system.