AVID Training
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There has been an exponential increase in the number of Albanians being deported, and Albanians are disproportionately represented in immigration detention centres.

In this talk, Kristina Millona discusses recent developments in the UK which have led to the stigmatisation, over-policing and the incarceration of Albanian men and asylum seekers in detention, including key changes to the Country Policy and Information Notes (CPIN) on Human Trafficking in Albania.

About the speaker: 

Kristina Millona is a scholar from Albania working on topics around sexualities, communism and archives. She is currently focused on writing around the nexus between men, mobility and border violence by focusing on the securitisation of Albanian asylum-seekers in the UK.

This video was part of AVID's Winter School 2023/4, exploring key issues and challenges in acting in solidarity with those impacted by detention.

Watch: Hidden Stories