AVID Training
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This content is available free to volunteers in AVID member groups and individual members of AVID. Volunteers who attend live AVID training will automatically receive a login. Contact Fiona if you are part of an AVID member group and cannot login. If you are not in an AVID member group you can access resources by joining AVID as an individual member.

People providing support to those in immigration detention will likely meet people who have been trafficked, despite safeguards that are supposed to ensure this does not happen.

This training will give you a foundational understanding of:

  • The prevalence and nature of people trafficking and it's harms
  • The challenges faced by survivors of trafficking in the UK, including the material, physical and psychological impacts of forced labour and modern slavery
  • The National Preventative Mechanism (the UK government's framework for identifying survivors of modern slavery including trafficking) - how it works in practice and the support it entitles survivors to
  • Why people who have been trafficked continue to be detained despite existing safeguards

This training aims to increase your confidence to:

  • Spot indicators that someone might be a survivor of trafficking
  • Act alongside and in solidarity with someone in detention who is a survivor of trafficking, to help them access the protection they are entitled to


Please be aware this training took place before the Safety of Rwanda Act 2024. As such, elements of this training will be out of date.

About the trainers:

Beth Flint has over 10 years experience as an Expert Witness on human trafficking and modern slavery. She has worked for many years providing direct support for survivors of trafficking, as well as providing advice, guidance and supervision to frontline workers. She has recently retired from the trustee board at AVID after more than 5 years of supporting the network, including 2 years as chair.

Mona-Alya Moghadam is a casework co-ordinator at Detention Action, and has extensive experience of supporting people in detention who have been trafficked. She also manages Detention Action's support in prisons.

Further reading and guidance:

After Exploitation publish regular briefings and reports on modern slavery in the UK.

ATLEAU provides legal support and advice to victims of trafficking and modern slavery.

Helen Bamber provides care and support to survivors of trafficking.

Watch: Hidden Stories