AVID Training
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In this talk, Luke de Noronha joins AVID members to discuss and challenge pervasive ways that “foreign criminals” are positioned in the public imagination and in relation to immigration control. We discuss the problem of innocence and deservingness and how this is used to justify prison detention and criminalisation. We ask about how the logic of immigration control, racism and deportation intersect and what reform could look like through the lens of abolition.

About the speaker:

Luke de Noronha is a lecturer in Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Studies at the Sarah Parker Remond Centre, UCL. Across his research, writing and teaching, Luke is concerned with the relationship between racism and the government of mobility, and his work provides critical interventions into debates surrounding racism and migration.

He has examined these questions in his books Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of deportation to Jamaica and as co-author of Empire’s End Game: Racism and the British State, and most recently in Against Borders: The case for abolition, co-written with Gracie Mae Bradley.

This talk was part of a series hosted by AVID in 2022 - Communities not Walls - which explored the wider processes in which immigration detention is situated, and to re-imagine the role that visitors groups play in building an alternative vision for our communities

Watch: Hidden Stories