AVID Training
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We are extremely disappointed by this week’s decision on Rwanda removal by the high court. Commenting on this week’s ruling, Miranda Reilly, Director of Association of Visitors Groups (AVID), said,

"The High Court may have ruled that the government's Rwanda Policy is compatible with the UK’s legal obligations under the Refugee Convention. Still, there remains no doubt that it is incompatible with the spirit and belief in humanity from which it originated.

We must continue to believe in the possibility of this world, which puts humanity before where someone was born and how they have travelled to reach safety. We must continue to fight for policies that seek to advance human rights and build on achievements from the past, not that backpedal from them.

No one has yet been put on a plane to Rwanda, but the threat has already caused devastation to people and their families targeted by these plans. There is no alternative but to continue to resist, and we will stand by people impacted by detention, our members and other allies in the sector to do so. We take hope from the prospect of an appeal from Detention Action and Care4Calais, from the power harnessed by Freedom from Torture which resulted in airlines refusing their part in the plans and from the public outcry to the government's proposals.

Another world is possible."

  1. High Court ruling, AAA and others - v - SSHD(2022). Access on : https://www.judiciary.uk/judgments/aaa-and-others-v-secretary-of-state-for-the-home-department/
  2. 'Hight court rwanda rules is lawful' explanation on what this rulling means by Colin Yeo at Freemovement. Access on : https://freemovement.org.uk/high-court-rules-rwanda-plan-is-lawful/
  3. 'When will there be another Rwanda flight?', another blog explaining the next options and steps in the fight to challenge this policy. Access on: https://freemovement.org.uk/when-will-there-be-another-rwanda-removal-flight/
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