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The government released a statement on the plans to accommodate people seeking sanctuary on vessels in Dorset and potentially in Wirral, Liverpool.


The Home Office's plan to accommodate people seeking sanctuary in barges is nothing short of an affront to humanity. This is a quasi-detention facility marked as accommodation options. Furthermore, this government is literally floating a hate target for the far-right and making a spectacle out of it.

We cannot allow such a deplorable and inhumane practice to continue. It is deeply troubling that the government's answer to the crisis is to put vulnerable people in a precarious and dangerous position.

Reaction to plans to detain people near Dorset:

AVID visitors used to support people detained at Verne IRC  which only remained open for three years and was closed in 2017. During operations, people couldn't communicate with outside family and friends, and accessing legal advice and specialist support was much more challenging. Our visitors provided a lifeline to those detained there. Verne Visitors Group repeatedly came across many vulnerable people including, torture survivors, modern slavery survivors, etc. We believe this barge would essentially function as a 'Quasi-detention', and people 'accommodated' there would find it harder to access essential support and integrate with local communities.

Home Office's plan to hold people on a "barge" in Dorset is a disturbing development that further blurs the line between accommodation and detention. This is unacceptable and inhumane treatment of vulnerable people. We must demand better from our government.

Reaction to potential plans to have barges near Wirral, Liverpool area:

The situation in Merseyside is already tense, and the Knowsley incident earlier this year highlighted just how dangerous it can be for asylum seekers. The fact that the government is willing to subject individuals seeking refuge to such a risk is beyond belief.

We call on the people of Wirral and all communities to stand together and show compassion for those who have fled their homes in search of safety. Let us not be divided by hate and fear, but instead unite in support of those who need our help the most.

Calling for action from communities and the Home Office:

We believe that we can create a safer and more welcoming society for everyone with empathy, understanding and a willingness to listen. Therefore, we urge the Home Office to reconsider its plans and to work with local communities to find alternative solutions that prioritise the safety and well-being of all asylum seekers.

We call on the government to reconsider this misguided and inhumane plan. We implore them to work towards a more compassionate and humane solution prioritising the safety and well-being of asylum seekers.

Contact details:

Gee Manoharan

Policy and Communication Manager

Email address: gee.manoharan@aviddetention.org.uk


For further information about this press release and about the work of AVID, please contact Gee Manoharan on gee.manoharan@aviddetention.org.uk

For general enquiries about AVID, please contact us at enquiries@aviddetentiion.org.uk

About AVID:

We are a national charity that supports volunteer visitors to people in immigration detention, wherever they are held. We have member groups that visit every detention centre in the UK and some prisons. This includes groups in Manchester STHF and prisons. AVID used to have visitor groups based in Liverpool and Verne IRC, Dorset. Our role is to ensure that all those affected by detention can access a visitor to help them at this critical time.

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