AVID Training
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JRS UK (Jesuit Refugee Service UK) - is an international charity, supporting immigration detainees held in Heathrow Immigration removal center (Colnbrook and Harmondsworth IRC) is recruiting a Detention Outreach Manager.

The role is for a full-time, London based, senior post on a three-year contract (potentially renewable), leading JRS UK’s accompaniment, service and advocacy on behalf of detainees at Heathrow Immigration Removal Centres (Colnbrook and Harmondsworth). Reporting directly to the Country Director, this busy and varied role combines face-to-face pastoral accompaniment of detainees, with management of a volunteer visitor network, liaison with chaplaincy services, informal casework, referral to specialist agencies and JRS solicitor liaison, and collaborative working with other NGOs on advocacy.

The Detention Outreach Manager will need highly developed listening skills, personal resilience and emotional maturity to respond to the emotional and spiritual needs of detainees, accompany them and support volunteers to do the same.

Find out more about JRS UK here

Download the Job Description here

To Apply

Send a cover letter and CV by email, addressed to the Director of JRS UK, Sarah Teather, sarah.teather@jrs.net (subject line: Detention Outreach Manager). Please detail your relevant experience and demonstrating clearly how you meet the person specification listed in the job description.

Deadline for applications is midday, Monday 24th April 2017.

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