AVID Training
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As Mother's Day recently passed, it's crucial to shed light on the mothers who goes unseen and ignored by all of us.

Behind the bars of immigration detention centers, there exists a silent group of mothers who spend Mother's Day in confinement, separated from their loved ones. The Immigration Act of Power shadows these women, and the true extent of their sacrifices often goes unnoticed. There are currently about 70+ women detained in the UK, and among them, the exact number of mothers remains a mystery. The only data that the Home Office released suggests that about 4 pregnant women were detained in the last year(2024). However, the Home Office does not actively track the number of mothers or fathers separated from their children and families in immigration detention. As we navigate the complexities of immigration policies, it's crucial to shed light on the humanity behind the statistics.

The Unseen Struggle

Aminata, our Members Development Coordinator, shares her own journey as a mother and former detainee. She reflects,

"Being a mother to anyone, whether biological or not, is the best experience one can imagine. I wake up to the smile of my daughter and the privilege to spend Mother's Day with her. I stand in solidarity with the many mothers who cannot celebrate this day, either incarcerated or on the move to find food and a safer place for their children."

Aminata's words resonate, underscoring the need to stand in solidarity with these mothers. Mother's Day should be a celebration for all, regardless of circumstances. It's a day to acknowledge the strength, resilience, and love that mothers in detention continue to embody, even in the face of adversity.

Call to Action

By spreading awareness, engaging in conversations, and supporting organizations working towards ending Immigration detention, we can collectively work towards a world where no mother is detained merely for administrative convenience

Mother's Day may have passed, but the journey for justice continues...

Let's keep the spotlight on the unseen mothers, amplifying their voices and advocating for a more compassionate immigration system. In doing so, we honor not only these mothers but the universal spirit of motherhood that transcends borders and circumstances.

Watch: Hidden Stories
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