AVID Training
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AVID produces regular statistical updates on the use of detention in the UK. We have found it very hard to find this information in one place, so we now produce our own briefings based on information from the Home Office official statistics and other sources.

AVID has also been collating information via Freedom of Information requests on the numbers and locations of those held in prison under immigration acts.

The latest statistics for the period October 2020 to March 2021

April 2020 to September 2020

October 2019 to March 2020

July to September 2019

April to June 2019

January to March 2019

October to December 2018

July to September 2018

April to June 2018

January to March 2018:

October to December 2017:

July to September 2017:

January to March 2017:

October to December 2016:

July to September 2016:

April to June 2016:

October to December 2015:

July to September 2015:

April to June 2015:

End March 2015:

End December 2014:

Watch: Hidden Stories