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We have collected a selection of news stories and opinion editorials about immigration detention and its alternatives in a blog article below. We hope this can be useful in visualising the fight against immigration detention as a global fight and about the challenges detained persons face in countries outside of the UK.

Greece - Unaccompanied children being locked up in police cells and in detention

Human Rights Watch finds that 54 unaccompanied children were detained in so-called “protective custody” in police station cells or in immigrant detention centers in December last year. The research finds that these children in detention live in unsanitary conditions, often with unrelated adults, and can be subject to abuse and ill-treatment by police.

Israel - Netanyahu says African ‘infiltrators’ will face indefinite jail and deportation

Israel has said it will detain and/or deport 38,000 people from Eritrea and Sudan living in Israel to a third country in Africa. Although Prime Minister Netanyahu admits it would not be possible to deport them to their home countries, as it is too dangerous, he denies that they are refugees. If they do not accept 'voluntary return' they will be detained in immigration detention centres.

USA - Immigration detention deaths reach the highest total since 2009

In the USA, 12 immigrants died in detention in the 2017 fiscal year, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the most since fiscal year 2009. Ten immigration detainees perished in government custody the year before. Nationwide, more than 30,000 people are held at any one time in ICE detention facilities. This is in comparison to the UK where 3,000 people are held in detention centres at any one time, yet still 11 people died in detention in the UK in the last year.

Japan - Plans to curb asylum seekers' right to work likely to swell detention numbers

Japan have made plans to limit asylum seekers’ right to work, making changes to its refugee system that are likely to swell the numbers of those in detention centers, prompting concerns from humanitarian groups.

Denmark - Hunger strikes and protests in Denmark’s deportation centres

Researchers discuss hunger strikes and protests in Denmarks immigration detention estate and the movement aiming to make public the 'consequences of the politics of dehumanisation'.

Canada - Plans to electronically tag and monitor migrants as alternative to detention

Plans set out in the Canadian National Immigration Detention Framework show intention to remotely monitor migrants via electronic ankle bracelets as an alternative to detaining them. This article criticises the practice saying that it criminalises, stigmatises and alienates migrants from their communities.

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