AVID Training
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Detention Forum's Vulnerable People Working Group (2015) Rethinking 'vulnerability' in detention: A Crisis of Harm

As co-convenor of the Detention Forum's Vulnerable People Working Group, AVID co-authored this research report into the treatment of vulnerable people in immigration detention. Based on 31 real life case studies, our research clearly demonstrates the need for a new approach to vulnerability in detention, to ensure those at risk of harm are not detained and those who become vulnerable are identified quickly. Executive Summary and Full Report.

AVID and BID (2012) Positive Duty of Care? The Mental Health Crisis in Immigration Detention

A report into the critical situation facing detainees with mental health needs in the detention estate. This report followed a two year period of research conducted jointly by AVID and BID (Bail for Immigration Detainees), and highlights substantive concerns around care, treatment and provision for release.

Bosworth, Dr M. for AVID (2009) Visiting Foreign National Prisoners: Findings from a Scoping Study

Funded by the Sigrid Rausing Trust in 2009, this research was conducted by Dr Mary Bosworth, Reader in Criminology at the University of Oxford, for AVID. It scopes current provision for visiting foreign national prisoners across the UK and recommends additional support for these often vulnerable individuals.

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